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Calculate the potential savings of Render's network construction technology

Render partners with network operators and construction teams to successfully deploy broadband networks faster and more efficiently than traditional construction approaches.

Whether your project is in the planning, new build or maintenance stage, evaluate the time and cost benefits of a digital and geospatial approach to deployment. 

Evaluate the potential savings for your network deployment

To measure your expected benefits, simply enter your network project data and budget allocations. The calculator will share the expected value benefits to support a business case for digital network deployment.

Tell us about your network project:

What type of business are you?
Size of network deployment
Number of premises
Cost per premise
Miles or kilometres covered by network
Cost of mile/km

Project Budget Enter the % for your project in grey boxes below, we have provided industry standards that can be used as a guide.

Network Engineering
Overall cost of designing the network, and updating as-built data incl. network changes at completion. Recommend: 8-10%
Project Management
Includes: Project management,
field supervision, and as-built administration.
Recommend: 10-12%
Excludes: Electronics Recommend: 30-35%
Construction Contractors
Includes: Project management (contractor), contractor direct costs, variation provision, completion (contractor). Recommend: 45-55%
All %’s need to total 100%, please update values.

Digital Network Construction Financial Impact

Network Design Savings
Reduced design effort as a result of digitzation,
utilizing Render's unique blueprinting process
Project Management Savings
  • Project management/administration
  • field supervision including QA
  • as-built data management
Contractor & Material Costs Savings
  • Material waste savings
  • Reduction in variations
  • Recognized contractor productivity improvement & adminstration savings
Total Value Benefits chart